Education and Social Sciences
Top Picks for Students:
ERICFull text documents and journal articles in all educational fields
ProQuest Education Journals More than 600 titles in full text
ProQuest Social Science Journals
Science, sociology, social sciences journals
Sociology Source Ultimate
Full text materials for studying social behavior and interaction. Gender, marriage and family, demographics, religion and anthropolog
Popular teacher and administrator trade journals, periodicals and books
Education and Social Sciences Databases A to Z:
Abstracts in AnthropologyAnthropology index with specialized focus
AgeLine Focuses on the population over 50 and aging issues
ERICFull text documents and journal articles in all educational fields
JSTOR Archival Journals and Primary Sources CollectionsCore research and society publications in the arts & sciences and other disciplines
MAS Ultra: School Edition For secondary school students and their teachers
Mental Measurements Yearbook
Reviews of over 2,700 contemporary testing instruments
Professional Development Collection For educators, librarians, and education researchers
Project Muse Scholarly collections in the humanities, arts and social sciences
ProQuest Education Journals More than 600 titles in full text
ProQuest Social Science Journals
Science, sociology, social sciences journals
PsycINFO | PsycARTICLESThe major resource for psychology and all related disciplines.
For elementary school students and teachers
Sociology Source UltimateTeacher's Reference Center
Popular teacher and administrator trade journals, periodicals and books